All coach credentials are valid for two years or until the expiration date occurs.
About two months prior to credential expiration, the NRA will send the coach a renewal notice via email. The coach is responsible for completing all renewal requirements, including online payment of the renewal fee ($30 for NRA members, $50 for non-members). All NRA Trainer ratings held will be renewed for this single renewal fee.
The advantages of having current coach credentials:
Professional credibility: The NRA Coach Education Program courses are endorsed by each of the major shooting sports National Governing Bodies. Being a credentialed coach adds to your credibility as a shooting coach. Remember, it is unethical (and in some jurisdictions may be fraudulent) to represent yourself as an NRA Coach unless your coach credentials are current.
Legal risk protection: Being a credentialed coach offers far better protection than "having once been" a credentialed coach.
Eligibility to obtain NRA endorsed liability insurance
Program support: Shooting and coaching are likely important and satisfying to you. Your renewal fee helps keep the Coach Education Program functioning to provide that same satisfaction to others in the current and future shooting community.
Junior Trainers may renew their rating only if their rating expires before their 18th birthday.
To renew the Coach (Level 1) credential, the coach must submit online:
A completed renewal application
A completed Coach Activity Statement (included with the renewal notice)
The credential fee
To renew the Certified Coach (Level 2) or the Advanced Certified Coach (Level 3) credential, the coach must submit:
A completed renewal application
A completed Coach Activity Statement (included with the renewal notice)
A copy of current First Aid (American Red Cross Standard or equivalent program) certification
Have completed at least one continuing education activity in the preceding two-year period (describe on the Coach Activity Statement). Continuing education activities may include:
Attend NRA/USAS/CMP National Coach Conference
Attend course, school or formal training, or study a book or video in coaching/instructing, shooting, mental training, physiology or other subject that improved your coaching knowledge, skill or attitude.
Other activity approved by the National Coach Trainer
The credential fee
Want To Know More
For more information about the NRA Shooting Sports Coach Development, email [email protected].
The NRA Coach Education Program offers multi-level training for coaches of the competitive shooting sports in partnership with USA Shooting, the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the Amateur Trapshooting Association, the National Skeet Shooting Association and the National Sporting Clays Association.